I am planning on attending this years Portcon Maine Convention being held at the Double Tree Hilton in South Portland, Maine. It is a four day event starting June 27th. This is actually the first one of hopefully, many conventions!
I'm going in to start- as a vendor. So we'll see how things go. As you can see from here and my site on Amazon, I've done a couple science fiction shows. Those were in my early days - very early, with lots to learn and very limited technology.
Preparations are being made to set up a really awesome table, so if you are in the area, please, stop in and say hi to me. You can also enjoy all the activities available at the convention as well.
I will also be doing book signings, so if you're there and have one of my books I will be happy to sign it, if you don't, they will be there to purchase too.
From June 28th (when the vendor's room actually opens) through July 1st, I will be offering a special on Amazon. If you purchase from Amazon, all of my books, either print or eBook, will be a $1.00 off each! So if you're looking to purchase any of my other novels, you can save a little money during this time.
As an added notation, I am trying to arrange to have my cover artist, John Collado, from John Collado Art, to work the show with me and possibly display some of his prints. You'll also have the opportunity to purchase a signed print or for that matter have him sign one of my books too!
I 'm looking forward to the show and to hopefully seeing and meeting some of my readers, both new and old!
*** I would like to make a correction here, during the promotional period, only the "Ebooks" will be discounted on Amazon. My mistake, as I offer my print books at the lowest possible price already, I am not allowed to discount them further. However...if you are in the area and come to the show, I will be offering all print books at the discounted price of $7.00 each!